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Lean manufacturing terminology

Department of Quality Management and Systems
Для зачисления на курс требуется приглашение

Common Course Outline

  • Introduction
  • Module 1. Lean Six Sigma basics
    • Lesson 1.1 Defining Lean Six Sigma
    • Lesson 1.2 Process sigma values and meeting DMAIC
  • Module 2. Working with Lean Six Sigma
    • Lesson 2.1 Identifying your customers
    • Lesson 2.2 Understanding your customers’ needs
    • Lesson 2.3 Determining the chain of events
  • Module 3. Assessing performance
    • Lesson 3.1 Working with information and definitions
    • Lesson 3.2 Variation and control charts
    • Lesson 3.3 Analysing what’s affecting performance
  • Module 4. Improving the processes
    • Lesson 4.1 Identifying value-added steps and waste
    • Lesson 4.2 Discovering the opportunity for prevention
    • Lesson 4.3 Introducing design for Six Sigma
  • Module 5. Deploying Lean Six Sigma
    • Lesson 5.1 Leading the deployment and selecting right projects
    • Lesson 5.2 Understanding the people issues and handling tips
  • Conclusion

Entry requirements

If you pass an introduction test for this course you will be accepted on a course.

Technical requirements

Review the technical requirements to access the course and complete it successfully.

Course author

Olga Artamonova

Olga Artamonova

Senior Lecturer of Management and Quality Management Systems Department, St.-Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI"

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